Feb 25, 2016

Two Hundred Years of Surgery


Two Hundred Years of Surgery

Atul Gawande, M.D., M.P.H.
N Engl J Med 2012; 366:1716-1723May 3, 2012DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1202392

While I was busy preparing for the class I'm going to teach tomorrow, I found this interesting history of surgery.
Share with you!
Chinese Translation Here

2016 8th Week New Patients

Feb. 22nd, 2016  Mon (New open since this week)  0 new patients / 3 total

Feb. 23rd, 2016  Tue   0 new patients / 15 total

Feb. 23rd, 2016  Tue @Tingchou branch   1 new patients / 12 total
Elderly Woman: Cough for two weeks

Feb. 24th, 2016  Wed (New open since February)    0 new patients / 8 total

Feb. 25th, 2016  Thu   1 new patients / 8 total
Elderly Man: dizziness for months  

*The purpose of this list is to let people know when would Taiwanese come to TCM doctors for help, since TCM might not be so popular in some countries. To protect the privacy of patients, the patients' information is altered. 
 • Elderly: >60
Middle-aged: 40-60
Young: 20-40

Feb 24, 2016

Jeremy Lin Received Acupuncture!

The needle used in U.S seems to be finer than the one used in Taiwan.

Diameter (mm)
Chinese Gauge

Let's take a look at this interesting photo, the acupuncture needle is actually very very thin.

Last but not least:
Linsanity Lin plays hero for Knicks
Linsanity Official Trailer
Jeremy Lin Full Highlights vs Spurs (2016.03.21) - 29 Pts, Clutch LINSANITY!

Feb 21, 2016

The Doctor’s New Dilemma

Suzanne Koven, M.D.

N Engl J Med 2016; 374:608-609February 18, 2016DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1513708

I read an article in New England Journal of Medicine today. This article talks about how we could help our patients solving their problem by caring a little bit more about their feeling, despite the fact that time is never enough for doctors. Nevertheless, since I began to practice as a TCM doctor, I enjoy chatting with patients about their life experience and things that bother them, which usually is the cause of their discomfort.

I'll never get bored since the patient who came to see me ranged from 2-96 years old (according to my patients for the past few years), boys and girls, men and women and they do all kinds of jobs. By talking to them, I get to know how their way of life affect their body and mind. I have to find out the real problem and try to fix it accordingly. Not to mention the time we spend on medical record. Usually we have to do all these in 15-20 minutes for new patient in Taiwan. Here comes the doctor's new dilemma.

"Do I ask her what’s really bothering her and risk a time-consuming interaction? Or do I accept what she’s saying at face value and risk missing a chance to truly help her?"

Feb 19, 2016

2016 7th Week New Patients

Feb. 16th, 2016  Tue   0 new patients / 12 total

Feb. 16th, 2016  Tue @Tingchou branch   4 new patients / 19 total
Middle-aged Woman: sore throat for five days
Middle-aged Woman: painful left upper limbs for months
Elderly Woman: insomnia for two weeks
Elderly Man: right limbs weakness due to cerebral infarction for six months

Feb. 17th, 2016  Wed (New open since February) 8 new patients / 17 total
Young Woman: bilateral reddish over lower leg and foot, on and off for two years
Middle-aged Woman: sudden sensorineural hearing loss over right ear for three weeks
Elderly Man: tongue ulcer for three days
Middle-aged Woman: sleep disorder for two months
Young Man: allergic rhinitis for years
Elderly Woman: lumbago / painful left lower limb for ten years
Middle-aged Man: right shoulder pain/stiff neck for years
Elderly Man: eyelid twitching for one month / tinnitus for years

Feb. 18th, 2016  Thu   1 new patients / 11 total
Young Man: left shoulder pain for 4 days

Feb. 19th, 2016  Fri   4 new patients / 11 total
Middle-aged Woman: cough for five days
Young Woman: sore throat for one day
Elderly Woman: dizziness for 10 days / insomnia for few years  
Middle-aged Man: Right distal radius fracture s/p ORIF with finger numbness and swelling for one month

*The purpose of this list is to let people know when would Taiwanese come to TCM doctors for help, since TCM might not be so popular in some countries. To protect the privacy of patients, the patients' information is altered. 
 • Elderly: >60
Middle-aged: 40-60
Young: 20-40

Feb 14, 2016

2016 6th Week New Patients

Feb. 9th, 2016  Tue    New year's vacation

Feb. 9th, 2016  Tue @Tingchou branch   New year's vacation

Feb. 10th, 2016  Wed (New open since February)   New year's vacation

Feb. 11th, 2016  Thu   3 new patients / 7 total
Elderly Man: low back pain, cold limbs for two years
Middle-aged Woman: Cough for 2 months
Young Woman: Stiff neck for 3 days

Feb. 12th, 2016  Fri   2 new patients / 6 total
Middle-aged Man: Cough for 5 days
Teenage Girl: Ankle pain for one year

*The purpose of this list is to let people know when would Taiwanese come to TCM doctors for help, since TCM might not be so popular in some countries. To protect the privacy of patients, the patients' information is altered. 
 • Elderly: >60
Middle-aged: 40-60
Young: 20-40

Feb 5, 2016

2016 5th Week New Patients

Feb. 2nd, 2016  Tue    2 new patient / 11 total
Teenage Girl: Irregular menstrual periods for several years

Young Woman: Tongue ulcer for five days

Feb. 2nd, 2016  Tue @Tingchou branch   1 new patient / 14 total
Elderly Female: Night sweat for several years

Feb. 3rd, 2016  Wed (New open since February)   2 new patients / 3 total  
Young Man: Left neck and shoulder pain / left knee discomfort for years
Middle-aged Woman: Bilateral neck and shoulder pain for months

Feb. 4th, 2016  Thu   4 new patients / 15 total
Middle-aged Woman: Asthma for 20 years
Elementary School Boy: Mouth ulcer / bad breath for 2 weeks
Young Woman: Sleep disorder / abdominal distension for years
Middle-aged Woman: Trigeminal neuralgia for one week, referred from Infection department

Feb. 5th, 2016  Fri   3 new patients / 11 total
Young Woman: Irregular menstrual periods for several years
Young Man: Diarrhea for one week / Male infertility / Obesity
Young Woman: Dizziness before menstrual periods

*The purpose of this list is to let people know when would Taiwanese come to TCM doctors for help, since TCM might not be so popular in some countries. To protect the privacy of patients, the patients' information is altered. 
 • Elderly: >60
Middle-aged: 40-60
Young: 20-40

Feb 1, 2016

2016 4th Week New Patients

Jan. 26, 2016  Tue    1 new patient / 15 total
Young Man: Painful left lateral ankle for one day, Ottawa ankle rule (+), He was then transferred to orthopedics in our hospital

Jan. 26, 2016  Tue @Tingchou branch   0 new patient / 15 total

Jan. 28, 2016  Thu   3 new patients / 8 total
Elderly Man: Bilateral finger tingling sensation for months
Middle-aged Man: Gastroesophageal reflux for six months
Elderly Woman: Esophageal cancer s/p concurrent chemoradiotherapy, constipation/anorexia for weeks

Jan. 29, 2016  Fri   3 new patients / 7 total
Young Woman: Right ankle pain for five days
Young Man: Left knee discomfort for months
Middle-aged Woman: Palpitation for one year

*The purpose of this list is to let people know when would Taiwanese come to TCM doctors for help, since TCM might not be so popular in some countries. To protect the privacy of patients, the patients' information is altered. 
 • Elderly: >60
Middle-aged: 40-60
Young: 20-40

2016 3rd Week New Patients

Jan. 19, 2016  Tue    1 new patient / 17 total
Middle-aged Man: Painful right shoulder and right upper arm for two months

Jan. 19, 2016  Tue @Tingchou branch   1 new patient / 13 total
Preschool Girl: Atopic dermatitis for years

Jan. 21, 2016  Thu   1 new patient / 7 total
Young Man: Right ankle pain for two months

Jan. 22, 2016  Fri   1 new patient / 10 total
Young Man: Back pain and chest pain for two years

*The purpose of this list is to let people know when would Taiwanese come to TCM doctors for help, since TCM might not be so popular in some countries. To protect the privacy of patients, the patients' information is altered. 
 • Elderly: >60
Middle-aged: 40-60
Young: 20-40