Feb 13, 2017

2017 January New Patients

41 New Patients / 265 total

Since I'm getting busier, instead of making weekly lists of new patients, I will make new patient lists monthly starting this January. I hope I can share more TCM research articles in this blog so as to form a habit of journal reading. This is one of my goal in 2017! Cheers~

Skin Problem
Acne M
Acalp acne M
Hand Eczema M
Seborrheic dermatitis M
Skin rashes over whole body M

Gyencology Problem
Dysmenorrhea M
Vaginal discharge M
Recuperation after artificial abortion  M

Internal Medicine problem
Abdominal pain   M
Allergic rhinitis   M
Constipation  M
Chest tightness for decades   M
Cough   M
Chest pain   M
Diarrhea for 3 days   M
Frequent urination  M
Headache M AC
Incontinence after lithotripsy   M
Running nose after sport and hot drinks   M
Sore throat   M

Musculoskeletal & Neural Problem
Elbow numbness   A M
Facial palsy   M A
Hip pain for 1 month  M A M
Heel pain for 6 months  M A M
Knee soreness/knee pain for several months  M A M
Left limb numbness due to spondylolisthesis  M A
Low back pain   M A M+C
Neck stiffness (Torticollis)  A C
Stroke  M A
Shoulder/neck pain  M A M C
Tennis Elbow  M A
5th metatarsal bone fracture  M A


Cold limbs  M
Easily bite her mouth  M
Lower limbs swelling  M A

*The purpose of this list is to let people know when would Taiwanese come to TCM doctors for help, since TCM might not be so popular in some countries. To protect the privacy of patients, the patients' information is altered. 
M: herbal medicine   A: acupuncture  M: Manipulation  C: Cupping