May 19, 2016

After Chinese Medical Nursing Lectures

After eleven lectures delivered to nursing students in University of Kang Ning, I now change one of my clinic hours back to Friday in the afternoon. Since there are few patients now, I would encourage you to come if you have any discomfort, just in case I get bored…LOL (Please come save me! Just kidding…)

It's free of charge if we decide to treat you without acupuncture or herbal medicine. Since my purpose is to promote TCM to foreigners, I only want you to come chat with me and see how we might be able to help you. 

We might not use any herbal medicine or acupuncture. One of the family member of my patient came to me after lung surgery recently. Her right upper lung collapsed after the surgery. Her chest surgeon said chances are that the lung might be collapsed forever. I taught her to do a Tao-yin to expand her chest and increase ventilation, now she feels better and the X-ray exam she received yesterday showed partial expansion of the collapsed lung. Although we can’t take all the credit, she believed we did help her a lot and expressed her gratitude to me. If you have some kind of discomfort that modern medicine might not be helpful, you are more than welcome to come give TCM a try.

I demonstrated one of the Tau-yin: “Headstand” to my nursing students, they went crazy. It’s really not easy to draw attention from teenage girls nowadays, if you don't happen to be a smart phone or a mirror. LOL

After the lectures I delivered to them, I know more about how to introduce traditional Chinese medicine to those who have no basic knowledge about it. Although it’s time-consuming to prepare for the classes, I’m thankful for experiencing all these.

In the middle of June, there will be exchange students coming from Philippine to TCM department in TSGH. I’ll give them a TCM introduction lecture in English and make them experience acupuncture. I actually did the same to the nursing students, they went extremely hyper when I go to their seat and do acupuncture on them one by one. Most of them never have that experience before and since the acupoint we use are all very safe and commonly used, they all had a good time being needled and even ask for more classes on acupuncture.

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