Oct 15, 2018

TCM Health Promotion Exercises

We have been conducting a series of studies, sponsored by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, on TCM health promotion by teaching the general public to do some Tao-yin exercises. This photo was taken yesterday when we had a wrap-up presentation for all the participants.

Please refer to these three Youtube videos filmed by the Taiwan Society of Health Promotion, where I now serve as Deputy Secretary-General, for the details:

1. 上壽導引法   Longivity Tao-yin

2. 調氣和神法   Regulate the Qi and Harmonize the Spirit

3. 醫學八段錦  Medical Baduanjin Qigong (Eight Pieces of Brocade)

After practicing each of these Tao-yin exercises for two months, the result all show that the blood pressure and the quality of life, the quality of sleep are statistically significantly better. What's more, when we use BCQ (Body Constitution Questionaire, including BCQ+, BCQ-) to evaluate the body constitution of the participants, the result also shows that the Yin-deficiency, Yang-deficiency and Stasis can be corrected to normal body constitution by practicing these Tao-yin exercises for two months.

As prevention is more important than treatment, we believe it is our first priority for TCM doctors to educate general public/family & friends/patients to avoid being sick. And it works!

Want to stay healthy? These exercises are not so complicated and can be practiced at home at all weather conditions.

Why not join us and give it a try?

Oct 12, 2018

Treating Pediatric Digestive Disorders with Herbal Medicine

We had one of our residents presented this journal this morning: PDF

 2018 Jun 4;172(6):e180315. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2018.0315. Epub 2018 Jun 4.
Association Between Use of Acid-Suppressive Medications and Antibiotics During Infancy and Allergic Diseases in Early Childhood.

Conclusion: "This study found associations between the use of acid-suppressive medications and antibiotics during the first 6 months of infancy and subsequent development of allergic disease."

This paper brought us a chance to review the physiology of pediatric digestive system in the TCM theory. 

When it comes to treating pediatric digestive disorders, herbal medicine can be very helpful. Parents bring their kids with all kinds of digestive problems to us, such as loss of appetite, abdominal pain/distension, diarrhea, constipation, nausea/vomiting, and low body weight and/or height, etc. These symptoms can usually be controlled or improved by taking herbal medicine for 1-2 weeks.

My kids start taking herbal medicine when indicated at around 1-2 years old. I would prescribe herbal medicine and make the flavor enjoyable for them. Some of my little patients LOVE the taste of herbal medicine. My kids hardly take any western medicine since TCM works perfectly for them.  

Oct 4, 2018

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Treated with TCM 中醫治療火燒心

I wrote something about heartburn/acid reflux treated with TCM in Mandarin recently. Take a look!

中醫治療火燒心      三軍總醫院中醫部  謝宗運醫師 撰文


其實不是有火在燒,而是您的胃酸從胃向上逆流,刺激食道所引起的!這就是門診常見的「胃食道逆流」(Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)、或稱「泛酸」。





Oct 1, 2018

Fibromyalgia Treated with Acupuncture

Pain Med. 2018 Sep 1;19(9):1862-1871. doi: 10.1093/pm/pnx322
Randomized Controlled Trial of Acupuncture for Women with Fibromyalgia: Group Acupuncture with Traditional Chinese Medicine Diagnosis-Based Point Selection.

Full article here

Although the number of patients included in this study is not very big, it uses not some specific acupoints for all patients but chooses acupoints according to each patient's TCM diagnosis. I would highly recommend this kind of treatment since no two patients are the same in 
the eyes of TCM doctors.

For FM treatment, the combination of herbal medicine and acupuncture is usually more effective.